Friday, 11 June 2010

A Blog! A Blog for our Website!

Finally when the world has moved onto to other more important things like finding the answers to life's persistent questions, especially those answers that can fit in seven score or less characters, we the interesting (or so we like to think) folks at OpenGear have managed to put up a blog.

Here's to our First Post and of course we're all wondering what our Second Post is going to be on - but hold your horses, let's leap that bridge when the time comes. Premature optimization worrying is the root of all evil.

Why a Blog? Why Now?

That's a good question. And before we propound, ahem, great theories, remember that laziness is a virtue! Thanks to Perl and also partly to the pain of having to write HTML (or WML, pick your poison) even if it is with a fine editor like Vim, is not something that naturally comes to Engineers and their ilk. Blog's are no exception and so are web pages. Especially with content. Useful or relevant content. Content that others (barring search engines, parsers, lexical analysers and twisted data junkies) would like to index read.

Enter Blosxom[1] (nope - it is not state of the art in 2010 and neither is Perl 5.x). It makes it easy to just blab. Even on a Blog. Saves you the effort of producing (and even harder - maintaing) a website. It's almost as easy as writing code. But not quite. There are no firm requirements you see. There. That's about all that can be said.

Hopefully there'll be more inspiring and insightful things to write about in the future, whenever that happens. Till then, Welcome and we'll be back!


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