Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Debian's 17th Birthday

Yesterday was Debian's 17th Birthday! Slashdot has a post[1] and OSNews also has a brief post [2] both referencing the same original article[3]. There's a really nice tribute [4] page and comments page [5].

Debian was the first distribution to really elegantly solve the dependency hell problem that plagued the various distributions that existed back in the day. Now most distributions do the "right thing" in that they fetch dependencies automagically, so the package manager is no longer the sole differentiating factor. Debian nevertheless is a really elegant distribution that still strives for stability (at least for the stable distribution). Coupled with the very large platform support and the very large package repository, it is still one of the finest Linux distributions around.

Happy Birthday Debian and here's to looking forward to many many more years of your association.

URL[1]: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/08/16/1512223/Happy-17th-Birthday-Debian
URL[2]: http://www.osnews.com/story/23693/Happy_17th_Birthday_Debian
URL[3]: http://digitizor.com/2010/08/16/happy-17th-birthday-debian-and-some-interesting-history/
URL[4]: http://thank.debian.net/thank_debian
URL[5]: http://thank.debian.net/read_thanks

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